The Gallery
Gallery owner and artist Michele Allen Fulkerson is excited to bring emerging artists to Gallery 163 in the heart of Port Orford. Stay tuned for the grand opening exhibition and in the meantime, check out our online gallery and store!
In a dream one night, someone handed Michele a key with the numbers 163 and as she looked for the building or room to unlock with the key in her dream state, she found herself along a winding road, trying to find the door to unlock.
The next day, seeing a "For Rent" sign in a commercial space in downtown Port Orford, she walked into the future home of the gallery and knew this is the place! But, the address wasn't 163? What did the dream mean?
Returning to the Battlerock beach parking lot excited about the new gallery space, she looked over to the coast line and saw in neon green, the Beach Sign numbered 163. The rest is history.
Representing emerging artists, watch for our list coming soon.